CompanyName | E&P FOR YOU LTD |
CompanyNumber | 07598704 |
RegAddress |
AddressLine1 | UNIT 22.BULRUSHES FARM |
AddressLine2 | COOMBE HILL ROAD |
County | WEST SUSSEX |
Postcode | RH19 4LZ |
CompanyCategory | Private Limited Company |
CompanyStatus | Dissolved |
CountryOfOrigin | United Kingdom |
DissolutionDate | 29/10/2019 |
IncorporationDate | 11/04/2011 |
Accounts |
AccountRefDay | 30 |
AccountRefMonth | 04 |
NextDueDate | |
LastMadeUpDate | 30/04/2018 |
AccountCategory | MICRO |
Returns |
NextDueDate | |
LastMadeUpDate | |
SICCodes |
SicText | 68320 - Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis |
SicText | 81210 - General cleaning of buildings |
SicText | 81299 - Other cleaning services |