CompanyName | RBW LIMITED |
CompanyNumber | 07474169 |
RegAddress |
AddressLine1 | THOMAS ST |
AddressLine2 | KILNHURST |
PostTown | ROTHERHAM |
County | SOUTH YORKS |
Country | ENGLAND |
Postcode | S64 5TF |
CompanyCategory | Private Limited Company |
CompanyStatus | Dissolved |
CountryOfOrigin | United Kingdom |
DissolutionDate | 15/10/2013 |
IncorporationDate | 20/12/2010 |
Accounts |
AccountRefDay | 31 |
AccountRefMonth | 12 |
NextDueDate | |
LastMadeUpDate | |
AccountCategory | NO ACCOUNTS FILED |
Returns |
NextDueDate | |
LastMadeUpDate | |
SICCodes |
SicText | 45200 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |